Showing posts with label Gaea Series. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gaea Series. Show all posts


Wizard by John Varley

Publisher:    Berkley
Copyright:   1981 
ISBN:           9780441900671 

Wizard is the second book in the Gaea series, and takes place some 75 years after Titan. Chirocco "Rocky" Jones is the Wizard in the title and is essentially the Lieutenant (for lack of a better term) of Gaea, however over the years their relationship has become quite strained. Rocky has been given extended life because she is the wizard, and because of some of the limitations / requirement Gaea has forced upon her she has become a raging alcoholic. Gaby who was also in "Titan", as Rocky's friend/lover also reappears and has been granted long life, but only as long as she's useful to Gaea, so she therefore has to keep her self in Gaea's good graces.

In the last 75 years a lot as happened aboard the Gaea, such as some Titanades (Centaur like beings) have immigrated to earth and serve as ambassadors between Gaea and Earth for those wishing to visit Gaea. In addition more humans are visiting the station, mostly to see if Gaea can help them. It is not really explained what other have come for, but it is noted that Gaea herself likes to test them, and frequently play tricks on them.

For the most part this book is a bit of a travelogue of the adventures encountered by Rocky, Gaby, a bunch of Titanades, and two people (Robin, and Chris) who are visiting from earth to be cured of their afflictions. We meet a few more of the inhabitants of Gaea, but outside of this the story completely revolves around Rocky's group who are trying to circumnavigate Gaea.

This was a good book, but not nearly as interesting as the first one, and if you plan to read it, be sure to read Titan first.

Going on Hiatus

 Greetings, I have decided to put a hold on doing further book reviews for a while. In fact I'm not sure if I will resume doing reviews ...